EMAS European helpdesk

EMAS European helpdesk


European Commission – DG Environment

  • certification
  • Environmental management
  • Public sector

Since 2007, 21 Solutions has been involved in the management of the European Commission’s EMAS helpdesk – since 2014 with its partners Adelphi Consult, Arctik, EMAS Club Catalunia and the Austrian organisation UmweltbundesAmt.


With its long-standing experience of supporting the implementation of environmental management systems in businesses, our team is closely involved in the structuring of information, the identification of good practices and the implementation of communication tools in particular for the website, the organisation of the European EMAS Awards and the campaign to promote the most effective EMAS companies. We have also been responsible for organising on a collective intelligence basis the meetings of the European EMAS Committee, bringing together representatives of 27 Member States. Our expertise in this field has been used to advantage in the preparation of various brochures and information sheets, in particular on EMAS and the circular economy, employee involvement in an environmental management system and the links between EMAS and ISO 14001:2015.


To learn more, find all the tools developed by 21 Solutions here.

EMAS European helpdesk