EnVeille : the regulatory monitoring tool

EnVeille : the regulatory monitoring tool

Developed by Eco-conseil Méditerranée in partnership with 21 Solutions, EnVeille is an online application used for regulatory monitoring. Being easy to use, intuitive, attractive and adaptable, EnVeille meets the requirements of many standards (ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, etc.).


The tool also offers a document space where information sheets and technical data sheets can be viewed in order to give operational clarity to the regulations in force. EnVeille supports collaboration and coordination, enabling resource persons and responsibilities to be allocated and compliance actions and deadlines to be defined for each legal requirement that has been identified.


EnVeille will also give you an overview of your degree of compliance by means of various different charts.


EnVeille : the regulatory monitoring tool