The playgrounds of Brussels

The playgrounds of Brussels –

Brussels Environment

  • Participatory strategies
  • Public sector
  • Schools


21 Solutions was entrusted with a research assignment with a view to improving school playgrounds in the Brussels-Capital Region and producing a good practice guide for schools’ governing bodies. In urban areas, playgrounds are subject to a variety of considerations: they must ensure children’s well-being and promote their development, take account of the Region’s ecological constraints and environmental objectives, and respond to the needs of the local area.


21 Solutions worked with eight schools in the two linguistic communities, and was able to analyse the situation of each playground and come up with creative and innovative ways forward. In partnership with the firms AAC Architecture and Omgeving, the collective Dear Pigs and the agency Cuistax, 21 Solutions designed and organised workshops with the different target groups involved: pupils, parents, teachers, staff, school management and governing bodies. The assignment’s findings are set out in a practical guide for schools.

The playgrounds of Brussels